REBECCA BURNS Back to Images of Rebecca's Paintings
Rebecca Burns is a free-lance graphic designer and studio artist. Her art works cover a spectrum of mediums and genres including painting, printmaking, jewelry and mixed media compositions.
“Living on ancestral divide, my Native identity always finds its way in my art. I believe our ancestors remind us they are here through nature and visit me through my art. Among most tribes the circle is sacred. It’s symbolic meaning encompasses all that is connected—nature, man, earth sky — past present & future. I use the circle in my works as the indication that our ancestors are with us. I am creating to honor our connection to the past.” |
INDIGO GALLERY - 2860 D. State Hwy. 14 - Madrid, New Mexico - 505-438-6202
Mailing Address: 2854 D. State Hwy. - Madrid, New Mexico 87010